all of you approached me and said, 'Let us send men before us, that
they may search out the land for us, and bring back to us word of the
way by which we should go up, and the cities which we shall enter.'
And the thing pleased me and I took twelve of your men, one man for
each tribe.” Deuteronomy 1:22
passage of scripture above gives Moses' account of sending twelve
representatives of each tribe of Israel to reconnoiter or observe the
Land of Canaan which God had promised to them. A casual reading of
this scripture as well as passages found in Numbers 13 make it seem
as if God wanted to send them to determine the conditions of this
land. But, why would God need these men to tell Him what they would
find? The Hebrew word for send is the key to understanding this.
Shelah-lekha literally means “send for yourself.” In other words,
God told Moses, “if you want to send some spies, you have my
permission.” The people came to Moses and in answer to his inquiry
of God, Moses was told “if you want to send some spies, you have my
permission.” After all God knew what was there in the Land of
Canaan. It was the people of Israel who were unsure.
is a difference between spying and scouting. Some bible versions say
12 were scouting, others spying. It's a little like the difference
between shoplifting and shopping. They were instructed in Numbers to
go scout out and see the land in order to reassure the people. It was
like searching for a new community to buy a house, not like the
preliminary to a military operation. And, if it had been a military
operation, most certainly the leaders of the tribes would not have
gone, and they wouldn't have sent 12; 2 or 3 would have been more
appropriate because stealth would have been key.
account in Numbers 13 is very interesting and one reason is because
we find in verse 16 that one of those named to go was Hoshea, Son of
Nun. Hoshea became known as Joshua, or more accurately in the Hebrew,
Yehoshua. So what's the difference between Hoshea and Yehoshua? It is
astounding. Hoshea means “God saves.” Yehoshua means “Yehoveh
saves.” And of course our Savior's given Hebrew name was Yeshua,
which is just a contraction of Yehoshua, Yehoveh saves. Jesus,
Joshua, Yehoshua, and Yeshua are all the same name, just in different
dialects and languages, from different eras. And, looking ahead to
the book of Joshua it would be Yehoshua (Joshua) and not Moses that
led the people into the Promised Land. We see a type and shadow of
the the Messiah here. Moses led them to it but not into it; for that
it took Yeshua, Jesus the Christ.
know from the account given by the 12 scouts after returning 40 days
later that Joshua (Hoshea) and Caleb were the only two who, despite
the fact that they saw strong walls, strong men and what seemed like
insurmountable odds, spoke against the other ten who had stirred a
frenzy among the others by inciting fear into them. The two scouts
who trusted God said, “The land, which we passed through to search
it, is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delight in us, then he
will bring us into this land, and give it to us; a land which floweth
with milk and honey. Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear
ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence
is departed from them, and the Lord is with us; fear them not.”
Numbers 14:7-9
is interesting to read the account of the ten as they reported to
Moses and Aaron the hint of the bent of these scouts because they say
“we came to the land where you sent us.” They didn't refer to it
as the land the Lord promised or the land that was sworn to Abraham.
In other words, they disassociated themselves from the Promised Land,
from the covenant, and from God. For them, this was simply a
political/economic matter.
account we are given above directly parallels our world today on many
levels. The political climate in the Middle East is not about the
land that belongs to God Almighty. It is about politics. And, it is a
very contemporary parallel and one that is going to have a deep and
lasting affect upon we the Church.
had led His people, Israel, to the Promised Land; but ten men,
trusted and respected leaders, decided to stand in the way of God's
people entering that land of promise. These men did what any good
leaders would do: investigate, evaluate, and then come to an honest
and pragmatic conclusion without emotion. Ten leaders who lacked
faith and trust but who had authority denied 13 million Israelites
(who looked to them them for leadership), their God-ordained
inheritance. And many within the Church today are doing the same
thing by working so diligently and effectively to introduce us to the
Messiah but then denying His (and thus our) connection with His own
people, the Hebrew people, and His own land, Israel.
account of the people's reaction to the ten reports of the Land of
Canaan caused rebellion not against Moses, but against God Almighty.
Their refusal to take God at His word was the greatest affront to His
holiness. And, there would be grave repercussions. Fellow Believers,
often we think that the main thing we're to listen to the Lord about
is to NOT do something that we shouldn't. But equally often, as was
the case with the 12 scouts, our rebellion against God is that we
don't do things that we clearly should do. Instead, we focus on the
obstacles and look away from Him and grow afraid and impatient. We
think: well it if it's difficult and dangerous then certainly it
can't be from the Lord. If God has set this deal up, it's going to be
easy and without problems. If we encounter problems and difficulties
and it doesn't go like we envisioned, we must be going against God's
will. That kind of thinking has probably snatched more blessings and
victories away from individual Believers and groups of Christians
than any other. It is a false assumption.
can look at the Bible and find one word that abrogates God's
often-stated covenant that the Land of Canaan belongs to His people
Israel? Where do we find a single statement that says for the sake of
world peace and humanity Israel should be pushed to give up part, if
not all, of their sacred land inheritance. Yet, at least half of the
Church today sides with Israel's enemies and the matter of the land.
Entire denominations have openly denounced Israel's right to the very
land spelled out in detail in the Word of God. Some of the Pro-Israel
half believes it's only fair to divvy up at least some of that land
and give it to those poor Palestinians. After all isn't that just
simple love and justice like Jesus taught us? And, if we love the
Palestinians the only responsible response is to carve off more of
the Promised Land and force Israel to give it to them for their own
consequences for those who seek to thwart God's plan for His people,
Israel, to claim their land inheritance is severe. Ten of those 12
scouts were about to find out just how seriously God takes His
covenants, His commands, and the rights and duty to His people to
assume their place in the Land of Promise. The Church today is also
about to find out that the Lord God does not change, and He does not
make idle threats, and that He has not gone back on His promise to
the set-apart nation He created through Abraham.
Believers today when we accept our salvation we go right on living as
though it never happened. God brought us up to the promised land, and
then we got cold feet and ran right back to the world much like when
things seemed hard, the Children of Israel cried out to run back to
captivity in Egypt. And, usually, we think we're taking God with us
when we choose to go back to the world But is that really the case?
Aren't humans funny creatures? How quickly we forget the pain and
anguish of our past lives, our lives before God, and we'll go back
for even more after we've escaped it for a time. This truth is so
prevalent among men that there are Proverbs written to warn and
remind us about our self-destructive human tendencies.
to the wise: you can't be against God on the one hand and on the
other say you are for God. We cannot have the world and have God for
we cannot serve two masters. Choose which you will serve for
certainly you will serve one. Church, let God arise! Stand upon His
word and upon His promises! He has never failed to keep His word and
He never will. But, the world and those of it will certainly always
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