America was once a nation that was very blessed by God. I recall that the morals in the community where I grew up were much higher than the morals we have today.
Children were
held accountable for their actions. They were taught to be
responsible for the consequences of their choices; good or bad. There
was most certainly a moral code within this nation. Throughout my
nearly 50 years of living in this nation, I have witnessed the great
decline of morality and of human life.
Back then, if a
child stole candy from a store, was found out by their parents; those
parents would take the child back to the store where the child had to
apologize, return the stolen candy and face the storekeeper for what
they had done. Most likely the child would undergo a punishment at
home. Today most parents are too busy to even notice what their
children are doing. If they happen to get caught, the child might be
reprimanded, but allowed to keep the stolen candy.
I was raised in
a very strict home. I addressed my father and mother respectfully as
well as all those who were in authority over me (which seemed like
everyone). Today, I hear children being verbally abusive, calling
their parents names in public. And, it seems in every case where this
has been witnessed, the parents never bat an eye at it. These
children have no issues with disrespect and if they treat their
parents in that manner, why should it surprise anyone that they have
no regard for anyone else? Parents coddle their children thinking,
"Oh, my baby is going through something hard." Life is
hard and dealing with hardship is how we grow. This is why we have a
nation of babies on our hands who do not want to take responsibility
for anything and who feel that the world owes them something.
If I had spoken
to my parents the way children today speak to theirs, I wouldn't be
here today. I am in no way saying that my parents were abusive. But,
we were expected to live up to certain standards and those were not
low standards. These were based upon principles we learned in church.
We were taught to honor and respect our parents. This was serious
business. Not only that, the business of parenting was taken
seriously. It is the highest honor or job God can possibly bestow
upon someone, but today it is not thought of in that manner. Children
are considered inconveniences, to the point that the preferred method
of "birth control" is murder.
I thank my
parents for teaching me respect. Today, we live in a country where it
is okay for a 14 year old girl to obtain a "morning after"
pill without the consent of her parents. I see young girls walking
around dressed like little hookers. I recall one time thinking to
myself, "My goodness, if their parents could see them dressed
this way they would flip out." Then, I saw that the mother of
the two girl was actually with them. Obviously the mother didn't
care. How very sad. Many parents today say, Oh let them be free to
express themselves. This is teaching them not to honor and respect
their bodies as God has taught in His Holy Word. Parents are not
minding the middle-aged man drooling at their young daughters.
50 years ago,
people honored much more the Ten Commandments of God. We had small
churches where everyone knew one another. Not like today where we
have mega churches and we are slapped with a name tag. When I was
growing up if a family in the community was suffering, perhaps
because of a job loss, the men in the community pitched in to help
that family pay the bills while the wives cooked and helped provide
for that family. They loved and cared for one another.
The men helped
their neighbors find jobs.Today, the husband, father, sits alone and
worries with no support. He is lucky if he can borrow $10 for gas
from a neighbor or friend to get to a job interview.
50 years ago,
we didn't have the internet, cell phones or cable television. We
always sat at the dinner table as family. Even if dad was running
late, we would wait. Children weren't sitting there at the table
texting their friends or checking Facebook. We had face-to-face
communications with one another. We didn't get news of friends via
Twitter. We waited to see them at the bus stop.
50 years later,
we have homes always empty because both parents work to pay the
mortgage, car notes
and for
"things."The majority of Americans today need to have the
brand new cars with all the bells and whistles. Back then, we were
grateful that the car ran.
I bring up just
a few key points to show a nation that once honored God in schools,
courthouses and
homes. Now we
have taken God out of all and have desensitized ourselves. Today, a
child can't pray or read a Bible at free time in school. No, that
child now gets placed on the evening news because it is taboo to do
these things.
Today, it is
normal for a woman to have three, four, even five children out of
wedlock. Even at times these women are encouraged and supported to do
so with people saying, "You go girl! You don't need a man."
Yet mama struggles to put food on the table and no neighbors to drop
off a dish of food to help.
Yet, we still
have people making statements that God blesses America. How can God
bless a nation that has turned it's back on Him. America protests
against the Ten Commandments, saying it is okay to have a man lie
with a man or a woman lie with a woman. And, pastors are marrying gay
couples under God! They succumb to the pressures of the secular world
and do not obey the Holy Word of God. These will have their reward.
America, my
friends, is not blessed. It is run by evil and greed. A lack of
morality is at every turn. Abortion is the form of birth control.
Divorce is at an all-time high. Couples would rather live together in
sin because it is easier to do so than to commit to one another.
Today, people barely even know who their neighbors are!
Children are
being taught that it is more important to be involved in sports than
to attend a church. Our homeless and veterans are tossed aside and
there are more shelters for animals than for human beings. Our value
of life has diminished greatly.
Churches were
originally put into place to assist the less fortunate. Today, they
are more concerned with how much is in the tithing bucket. When we
fail to honor God in all things how then can we expect God to honor
If only America
would turn back to morality and our God; if Christians would be
shining examples of what God intended us to be! Seeing someone suffer
and offering a prayer is not placing your faith in action. It is not
helping your fellow neighbor. Prayers are heard on high, but God is
waiting for us to act. To receive a blessing, we must be a blessing.
When God sees us restoring Him back into this country, then and only
then will we be called America the Blessed.
Be a friend to
someone in need. Reach out to your community. Be the difference in
your city, in your homes and in the lives of those who are hurt and
needy. Be the light in your workplace, in your schools and in every
opportunity that presents itself. Understand the difference just one
person can make to a person who is lonely. Isn't a person worth time?
People are busy and stressed. Christians have the answer!
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