Sunday, September 3, 2017


September 3, 2017

The USA has just experienced a horrific loss in human cost as well as financially with Hurricane Harvey. Both Texas and Louisiana were devastated. Many US citizens may think that just because they don't happen to live in either of those two places it doesn't affect them.

They are dead wrong.

Much of the nation's petroleum products are refined in the ports on the S.E. coastline of Texas. There are numerous chemical plants along that area and into Louisiana. The refineries were damaged and power has not been restored as of this date. The cost of fuel has risen and may rise even more. Everyone will feel this pinch. The massive amount of flooding is concerning not only because of the amount of damage to real property but also those flood waters have come into contact with dangerous chemicals and these may dry up, but the chemicals never change. This is going to be a problem.

All of this is being written as possibly the largest storm in history (recorded history) is bearing down on the East Coast of the U.S. It appears that New York City and that area including Washington D.C. is in danger.

People still slumber.

Our nation has done grievous things. Most recently, the SCOTUS striking down the Defense of Marriage Act, the treacherous vote at the United Nations against the nation of Israel, and numerous other things certainly will bring severe judgment upon this land. There are those who say it is all coincidence. It is not. We will see who still thinks that way after Irma hits.  Hurricane Harvey hit as Jared Kushner and Goldblatt were meeting with Abbas putting pressure on Israel to give more land away. This land does not belong to Israel. It belongs to Almighty God. And He is not pleased. Where are the voices of outrage in Churchianity today? Nowhere to be heard. Soon we may hear a different tune.

Below is a video that details prophetically what is happening. You will not find this taught in any church. Yet, it is truth. Wake up. Yes, YHVH will send storms, and destruction upon the wicked. He has always done so. But, He has done so after many warnings and many opportunities for people to see the error of their ways. He will not deal with mankind much longer.  I am sharing this video from YouTube. This is not my video.  But, it would benefit everyone to take the time to watch it intently.

Click the link below to view the video.

Dividing the Land, the Wilderness, and the End of the 70 Years of Indignation 

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