Monday, September 4, 2017


What really matters? Is it life? Is it a skin color or a race? Does a person's faith matter? If so, should a person's faith take precedence over all matters in their life? People have a wide variety of opinion as to the answers to these questions. Many things matter. But, what really matters?

If we are followers of Yeshua (Jesus) and we didn't have our scriptures or our doctrines or our traditions, we would still have Him. In spite of the various doctrines and creeds many associate with the Messiah Yeshua, He is Who He always was and always will be. And, whether one chooses to believe or not, His Word is alive and all of it will come to pass. Sadly, most people don't know Him. Even those who think they know Him really don't know Him.

What is discipleship? Is it following teachings of the Baptists? Is it following the teachings of the Lutherans? Is it listening to and following the instructions of a man clothed in white and scarlet who claims he has sole authority of our Father on earth?  No. It is none of these. It, in a simple term, is getting to know Yeshua and following Him by what He taught, how He lived, and what He wants for us.

One thing that is clear is that people like to read books about God's Word. They usually don't read the Bible as much as they read what others have written about it. This is a problem. It impedes our growth in the knowledge of our Savior.

Who is Yeshua? How did He live? What did He do in the context of the customs of His time and how society was at that time? This topic can't fully be explored here. But, let's get to know a little more about Him.

We know He lived. He wasn't a fictitious character in some fairy tale. He was a real person who lived, breathed, had feelings, emotions, reactions. He slept, ate, and conversed with many people. He lived a holy life. We may have a certain mental image of Him. Some of us may even think of Him as a bit mystical or mysterious. Does one have to go to a Bible college in order to really know Him?  Certainly not! In fact, these schools teach man's theology that may or may not agree with the Word of God. These teachings have been one big reason so much error, discrepancy, and division has been perpetuated today. This can keep a person from truly knowing Yeshua and the truth.

Yeshua is Jewish. The name "Yeshua" is His Hebrew name. We might use the name "Joshua" in English as this would be the best use of language to say His name. Jesus is what most people in the West call Him. It is derived from Greek. Many today believe that if we don't call Him by His "real" name and if we don't speak it correctly, we are in error. That is a big topic for another day. This is not why I prefer to use His Hebrew name. It "feels" good to call Him by the name He used. It seems more intimate to me. Just to clarify this is important.

The statement that He is Jewish may shock some reading this. He was from the Tribe of Judah. He was raised much like other boys were in His day. He was taught the Torah and He knew it intimately. He prayed several times a day. He wore a Tallit. He wore Tzit Tzit on the hem of His garment. He ate only food that was declared clean by His Father. He kept the Sabbath, went to Synagogue, kept the Feasts of Adonai. He went to the Temple each time He was required to be there. He was a respected scholar and rabbi.

Yeshua taught others to do these things. His apostles and those who followed Him walked in His footsteps. He was beloved. He stood against contrived teachings of religious leaders in His day. He instructed how a man should walk in His Father's ways and observe to do all things He commanded. He taught the Torah. He changed the world and that is awesome.

II Timothy 3:16 tells us that all scripture is inspired and useful. This absolutely is speaking of what many call the "Old" Testament. Yeshua taught from scripture. Which scripture did He and His Apostles teach? The Old Testament, of course. The foundation of all scripture is the Torah. Amazingly, it didn't begin with Moses. It isn't even "Moses' law." It is Almighty God's Word, Law, and Ways.

Romans 15:4 tells us that the things written by Moses and the prophets are profitable for us. Yeshua is The Word. He is The King. There is a difference in saying Yeshua was Jewish and saying Yeshua is Jewish. He is the Suffering Servant. He is the Hope of the World.  It is important to understand that "Jewishness" today is not what it was considered to be in Yeshua's day. Judaism wasn't exactly as our Heavenly Father wanted it to be then, either. Just as there are many and varying beliefs within Christianity today, there are many versions of Judaism today. Basically, our Dear Master kept the commandments of The Torah according to the generally accepted traditions of Judaism in His day. Not only that, as any good rabbi would Yeshua commanded His disciples to live as He did. He said, "Follow Me."

So, we should see Yeshua as a real person. Our mental picture of Him should be that He is a Jewish rabbi who practiced Judaism. He did not abolish the Torah. He didn't gut the Old Testament of its foundation. He actually affirmed and lived by the law. He passed that way of life to all who follow Him then as well as now. And, as followers of Yeshua, we must never hate Jewish people. For heaven's sake, they are our Beloved's people! Let's avoid the conspiracy theories, let's not think we must have replaced Israel. Let's remember that we are grafted in. We are not separate - from Israel. We have become part of it when we follow the Messiah, Yeshua, the King of the Jews. We are not the "new and improved girlfriend/bride."

We are to walk as He walked and live as He lived. As we strive to do these things and to honor Him in all we do, we grow closer to Him. Our beloved Yeshua is The Word made flesh. As we come to know Him better, we love and appreciate Him more and more. He truly walks with us and His Word comes to life. We not only will see who He was as a man, but Who He truly is.

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